#1 Flower Wall Rentals Niagara | Hedge Wall Rentals Niagara | Boxwood Hedge Rentals Niagara | Topiary Tree Rentals Niagara | We rent Flower Walls, Hedge Walls, Boxwood Hedges and Topiary Trees for events in Niagara. Our flower walls are great for indoor and outdoor events including parties, weddings and birthdays. We can customize your flower wall with any colour flowers to match your theme. We also rent out hedge walls with logo branding options to reflect your sponsors or company name. Our flower walls and hedge walls are great photo backdrops. We also have Boxwood hedges and topiary trees as accent decor pieces for your event.
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#1 Boxwood Hedge Rentals Niagara | Hedge Wall Rentals Niagara
We have hedge walls and boxwood hedges for rent. We have event wall rentals with flower walls, hedge walls, grass walls, boxwood walls for event backdrops and wedding backdrops. We have boxwood hedge walls in a variety of different heights and widths including 8' ft high hedge walls and 10' ft high hedge walls. We can provide hedge walls up to 20' ft wide.
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Marquee Letters Glow Furniture
Trees & Plants Fun & Games
Hedge Walls
Create wall hedges and green boxwood walls for your party or wedding backdrop. Our artificial wall hedges and grass walls can liven up any venue.
Flower Walls
We have custom made flowers walls for weddings, parties, birthdays and corporate events. Our flower walls are great for photoshoots, step and repeat backdrops.
Champagne Walls
We rent champagne walls, champagne shelves for displays, events, weddings and corporate events. We custom build champagne walls for all themes and events.
Boxwood Hedges
We have boxwood trees and topiary decor available for rent. Our boxwood topiary are great for wedding and venue decor.
Hedge Arch
We rent hedge entrances, door entrances, hedge arch and more. Welcome your guests with our beautiful boxwood hedge entrance arch.
Turf Grass
We have artificial turf grass for your outdoor and cottage theme parties. These grass are great for creating a life like outdoor.
Topiary Props
We rent hedge pillars, Hedge columns, Hedge decors for events, weddings and parties. Our hedges are great for outdoor and indoor events.
Topiary Balls
We have topiary balls available for rent in planters, hanging balls and loose topiary balls.
Topiary Trees
We have topiary balls available for rent in planters, hanging balls and loose topiary balls.
Mobile Walls
We've created a selection of mobile walls making it easy for you to move and use our hedges, flower walls for multiple uses.
Woodland Walls
We make living walls and woodland walls for events, parties and weddings. Our living walls are made of artificial plants.
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